Saturday, April 09, 2005


They say, scientists even, that every thought makes a path through your brain, that your brain is a map of what's happened to it. You think and think and patterns are worn liek dear trails through the forest. The deepest marks are the thoughts you repeat. It's that physical. Enough intersecting ideas can make a pit.

A person who is psychotic cannot tell an idea from a memory, an image from an object. The world is both blurred and shattered, unboxed, unbound, and strewn. This terrifies the brain. A terrified brain can make sense of anything. (Lucy Corin, "Everyday Psychokillers: A History for Girls", p. 27)

I think of Osiris' final death. How Set cut him up, and Isis gathered him back together and bound him. How a mummy is hollow as a doll, how the wrapped shell of the body lies among its separated and contained organs. The skin is an organ, they like to tell you in biology. There it is. Inside-out, re-contained, and organized in labeled vessels. I think of how disassembling bodies is civilization. (Lucy Corin, "Everyday Pscyhokillers: A History for Girls", P. 36)


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