SADNESS The first powder to be abided upon waking. It may reside in tools or garments and can be eradicated with more of itself, in which case the face results as a placid system coursing with water, heaving. (Ben Marcus, "The Age of Wire and String", p. 13)
RARE WATERS, THE Sereies of liquids containing samples of the first water. It is the only water not yet killed. It rims the eyes, falls from them during certain times, and collects at the feet, averting the grasp of hands, which are dry, and need it. (Ben Marcus, "The Age of Wire and String", p. 26)
MOTHER, THE The softest location in the house. It smells of foods that are fine and sweet. Often it moves through rooms on its own, cooing the name of the person. When it is tired, it sits, and members vie for position in its arms. (Ben Marcus, "The Age of Wire and String", p. 64)
MICHAEL% 1. Amount or degree to which any man is Michael Marcus, the father. 2. Name given to any man whom one wishes were the father. 3. The act or technique of converting all names or structures to Michael. 4. Any system of patriarchal rendering. (Ben Marcus, "The Age of Wire and String", p. 122)
WIRE, THE The only element that is attached, affixed, or otherwise in contact with every other element, object, item, person, or member of the society. It is gray and often golden and glimmers in the morning. Members polish it simply by moving forward or backward or resting in place. The wire is the shorest distance between two bodies. It may be followed to any area or person one desires. It contains on its surface the shredded residue of hands - from members that pulled too hard, held on too long, got there too fast. (Ben Marcus, "The Age of Wire and String", p. 140)