Thursday, June 26, 2008


I often felt that I would be shot in the back with an arrow or gun, but that didn't happen. The world wasn't safer than I had thought; on the contrary, it was so dangerous that my practically naked self fit right in, like a car crash, it happened every day. (80)

July, Miranda. "Something That Needs Nothing." No One Belongs Here More Than You. New York: Scribner, 2007. 63-91.


And it struck me that maybe True magazine had been wrong. Maybe there are no New Men. Maybe there are only the living and the dead, and all those who are living deserve each other and are equal to each other. I pushed his shoulders back so that he was upright in his chair again. I didn't know anything about epilepsy, but I had imagined more shaking. I moved his hair out of his face. I put my hand under his nose and felt gentle, even breaths. I pressed my lips against his ear and whispered again, It's not your fault. Perhaps this was really the only thing I had ever wanted to say to anyone, and be told. (6-7)

July, Miranda. "The Shared Patio." No One Belongs Here More Than You. New York: Scribner, 2007. 1-11.